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Get real time data on the USD/JPY pair including the live rate, as well as our currency converter, analysis, news, historical data and more. - The yuan rose while the safe-haven yen fell on Tuesday in Asia as trade tensions between the U.S. and China eased. The USD/CNY pair fell  Detailed USD JPY forecast as well as a US Dollar Japanese Yen technical analysis through moving averages, buy/sell signals, and common chart indicators . Get the USD/JPY Index results in real time as they're announced and see the immediate global market impact.

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2020/06/08: 月曜日: 1 cny = jpy 15.324: 2020/06/07: 日曜日: 1 cny = jpy 15.493: 2020/06/05: 金曜日: 1 cny = jpy 15.483: 2020/06/04: 木曜日: 1 cny = jpy 15.352

息預期持續,英鎊兌美元僅小幅走弱。 日圓 • 日圓(jpy)於1月份劇烈波動。該貨幣起初走弱,因貿易樂觀情緒與環球股市走強及債券孳息率走高相吻合。日圓兌美元曾跌破 110水平,隨後於月內稍晚反彈,因對控制冠狀病毒蔓延的憂慮打壓風險資產。 人民幣 The Japanese Yen is the third-most-traded currency in the Forex market after the United States dollar ($; USD) and the euro (€; EUR). Symbolized by "¥" and under the code JPY, it is an USD/JPY Technical Analysis Get a brief summary for the USD/JPY (US Dollar Japanese Yen). Access detailed technical analysis using moving averages, common chart indicators and pivot point levels. - 星期五後,美元兌日元走低。 USD/JPY 即時匯率為 110.55,下趺 0.07%。 配對有望於今日 109.22 遇到支撐力,星期

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