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Bill Murphey from GATA.ORG points out this report fails to note that early May last year world gold prices were falling to the 2004 low in the $370s, having reached the $420s in April. Murphey says that India in other words, was conducting one of its periodic gold buying sprees which occur when the world gold price drops suddenly. The LBMA Gold Price is used as an important benchmark throughout the gold market, while the other regional gold prices are important to local markets. This data set provides the gold price over a range of timeframes (daily, weekly, monthly, annually) going back to 1978, and in the major trading, producer, and consumer currencies. GOLDPRICE.ORG - The No. 1 gold price site for fast loading live gold price charts in ounces, grams and kilos in every national currency in the world. 10 Year Silver Price History in Indian Rupees per Ounce. Gold doesn't tarnish and even the strongest acids have no effect. Thus, gold lasts forever - and stays shiny the whole time! Gold has many industrial uses, but its main historical uses have been for jewellery and money - both are a store of value. Gold has been used as a store of value for at least 5000 years.

GOLDPRICE.ORG - The No. 1 current gold price site for fast loading live gold price charts in ounces, grams and kilos in 30 major currencies plus advice on how to buy gold.

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